Help us to become the first Tibetan Monastery going self sustainable and environmental friendly!

We want to buy land in the countryside and move there.

A land big enough for an organic farm to feed our people. We will think about the building later. Now we want to focus on the land!

The big problem is: land in Nepal is expensive.

Crazily expensive.

Land price, even far from Pokhara, goes from 2,000,000 to 4,000,000 NPR per ropani.

The ropani is the traditional unit of land area measurement in the hills regions of Nepal.

1 ropani = 508 square meters

1 ropani = 5476 square feets

Our needs:

We have fixed our needs with the minimum land possible right now for just moving. The airport will be finished in a few months and to build the new place will take more than 1 year. So it's getting urgent!

The minimum land is 12 ropanis.

Of course to go self-sufficient we will need more land, but right now the priority is to go away from here! So 12 ropanis will do for now!

Considering a medium price, that is 3,000,000 NPR per ropani, with today (July 10, 2022) exchange rate, this price is:

23,648 US $ x 12 = 283.776 $

23,226 € x 12 = 278.712 €

We will need a lot of help from you, our friends, to raise enough money to buy land!

Please, old and new friends of SunCave Monastery and monastic school, join us in this incredible adventure: creating the first Tibetan Monastery completely self-sustainable and environmentally friendly!

Here is the page where you find how to send us donations. Thank you!

If you cannot help us directly, please share the link to our website with as many people as possible. Publish it on your websites, on your blogs, on your facebooks page. The more links exist the higher the rank on Google and other search engines.